The Making of 'Sweet Treats' - lifewithPandJ

The Making of 'Sweet Treats'

Hi Beauties!

As many of you have probably seen, we have an e-cookbook! This book is a dream come true and we are both so excited to share it with you! 

I definitely have a sweet tooth and I love me some good old dessert. I'm that type of person that is eating dinner but also thinking about what treat I'm going to have after I'm done- who can relate? haha

That being said, I'm also very conscious of staying healthy and eating food to maintain optimal health - so all those overly processed, sugary treats, don't vibe with my lifestyle and they also just make me feel sick afterwards! I started experimenting in the kitchen and whipping up treats with naturally sourced food like dates, almond flour, hemp seeds, etc. When P would try them he literally could not believe that there was zero refined sugar or that they were vegan or that they were gluten free. He didn't even know you could make your own chocolate and that it could taste legit like chocolate! I think we get so caught up in thinking healthy food is supposed to taste "healthy" (aka: like crap), that it's hard to convince our minds otherwise. But I am here to tell you, the treats in our Sweet Treats cookbook are soooo freakin' good, you'll be able to convince even the toughest critics (hello, my dad is old school Italian and he comes knocking on my door on the regular asking for my homemade treats). 

When I wasn't doing my day job, I would be in the kitchen every weekend, testing out and experimenting with recipes. Some good. Some not so good (P can attest to that haha). My friends and family were so supportive and everyone was really on board with this cookbook - which is all the affirmation a girl needs to get it done! 

Each recipe in the book was inspired by a dessert we loved, but wanted to make better and healthier. We go back and forth on which recipe is our personal favourite, but currently I am a huge fan of the espresso brownie cookie (chewy, soft, chocolatey, fudgey, eat the whole tray it's so damn good) and P love love lovesss the salted caramels (little squares of pure bliss with that touch of sea salt that is just perfection). My neighbour (aka my brother) literally just came over as I'm writing this post and asked if I had any treats left haha!!! I CAN'T make this up you guys! The treats are crazy good! 

So now that you are drooling and want some healthy treats, go ahead and get to the shop section on our site and purchase a book for yourself, your sister, your mom, your brother, your dad, your grandma, your mom's friend, your neighbour, your get the point lol.



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